Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thank You

Thanks to all for celebrating and sharing our joyeous occassion with us on 17th May 09.. and yes we are back from our honeymoon(shall blog in another post).

Brothers and sisters u all had been great, making everything went smoothly.

Thanks Jimmy and Sammi from whitelink for giving us a beautiful wedding, thanks Wendy and all staffs of marina mandarin for a cosy and warm wedding.. thanks Kevin, the videographer from yappies production and Andy, the photographer for making me laugh and smile coz quite stress that shy too..cant smile leh.. and they had to keep reminding me to smile.. hehe..

It had been a wonderful and gan cheong day especially for dinner. Like what the emcee says, we did prepare a thank you speech but Andy freaked out and changed his mind after the 1st march in.. but still kena sabo by the emcee..Nevertheless, we gotta thanks Jason for giving us the 'gut' to go ahead.. haha

As for me, I know i cant speak well. I prefer to pen my feelings down thou my 'en-ger-lish' is broken lah..

We hope everyone had enjoyed the food, highlights and music.

The wedding photos and childhood photos highlights are done by me with the help of my friend. Did a quick 1 when I was on leave a few days before our wedding.

The songs played were choosen and burnt by Andy.

Our thousand apologies if we had left anyone out on that day..

Shall load the actual day photos once ready!!


Beth said...


confession: not the emcee sabo de. it's andy's friend who asked the emcee to go ahead

guess who *wink*

Blog Mistress said...

Oh.. its u!! haha.. u sitting the same table? cant remb..

Beth said...

not me

i am innocent!!
