Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

My First Pregnancy Journal - Second Trimester

"2nd trimester is the honeymoon period", says most mothers.

I totally agreed.. I sailed thru the 2nd trimester with a breeze apart from heartburn, indigestion and aching, which are still bearable.

Heartburn and indigestion started of in the early stages of 2nd trimester. The feeling of heatburn was terrible as it seems like heart attack. The heart will start to pump very hard and there will be difficulty in breathing. The remedy - Gaviscon. Alternatively, natural remedies like avoid spicy food, chocolates, acidic food and have smaller frequent meals can be adopted.

Most of the time during the 2nd trimester, I will spend my time lying on the bed as my bum and back tends to ache alot.. Andy often jokes that he is going to get a wheelchair for me so that I can move ard easily. Anyway, my gynae had advised me not to move and walk alot as I had low placenta. Too much movement may cause the placenta to deattach from the uterus and bleed easily.

I think the most 'miracle' experience in this trimester is to feel the baby kicks. Initally, its fluttering sensation. As the baby grows, these feeling will turn to full blown kicks and samuersaults. Am starting to count and monitor the frequency of the kicks to ensure the well being of the baby. Studies had shown that babies should at least kick 10 times in every 2hrs.
Dont be surprise they actually got hipcups too and can be determine by the way of their kicks.

As I enter into the early stages of 3rd trimester now, I am getting clumsier & heavier as the baby is putting weight fast. My energy level starts to falls too.. Luckily, we had did most of the shopping during the Baby fairs in March.. So now we are only left with decorating the baby room and packing those baby stuffs..

2more months to go and I will be on maternity leave.. oh.. and tomorrow we will be starting our childbirth education course.. hopefully we can absorb like a sponge with all the knowledge impart, practically..